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Пенсионеры готовы зацеловать Путина: указ поразил всех подробнее В 1951 году Nissan праздновал рождение Patrol - первого полноприводного внедорожника с 6-ти цилиндровым двигателем. В августа 1958 года Nissan выпустил с конвейера высококлассный автомобиль Datsun Bluebird, созданный для личного пользования. Примечательной особенностью Bluebird стало применение впервые японскими производителями передних тормозов с усилителем, которые позволили даже хрупким женщинам тормозить легким нажатием на педаль. Первое поколение Bluebird воплотило в себе черты надежного, привлекательного и долговечного автомобиля.


In 1974, 10,000 Nissan Patrol SUVs were announced for the year. In the late 1970s, the company established itself in the off-road vehicle market. In 1981, Nissan began promoting its vehicles worldwide under the Nissan brand as part of the company's new corporate strategy. Then in the 80s. Nissan has established two strategic manufacturing bases overseas: in 1980, Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp., USA in the US and in 1984, Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited in the UK. The first Datsun pickup truck rolled off the assembly line at Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp., USA in June 1983, the first Sentra (Sunny) in March 1985.

In 1960, a new large car model, the Nissan Cedric, was developed. The name of the car was coined in honor of the protagonist of the famous story Little Lord Fauntleroy, which is read all over the world. The 1959 Bluebird and 1960 Cedric captured the hearts of Japanese buyers and accelerated the motorization process in Japan. From the very beginning, Nissan built production overseas, in 1959 taking the initiative to set up an assembly plant based on Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. in Taiwan; in 1961 she organized Nissan Mexicana, SA de CV and Nissan Motor Manufacturing Co. in Australia.