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Der erste Datsun-Personenwagen rollte im April 1935 vom Werk in Yokohama. Damals stellte Nissan darauf um, ausschließlich in Japan hergestellte Komponenten zu verwenden, installierte Pressen zur Herstellung von Karosserieblechen und machte damit Schluss mit der manuellen Bearbeitung von Blechen. Diese Änderungen ermöglichten es Nissan und der japanischen Automobilindustrie sofort, einen Schritt nach vorne zu machen.


In 1888, the idea of a pneumatic tire arose again. The new inventor was the Scotsman John Dunlop, whose name is known in the world as the author of the pneumatic tire. JB Dunlop had the idea in 1887 to put wide hoops made from garden hoses on the wheel of his 10-year-old son's tricycle and fill them with air. On July 23, 1888, J. B. Dunlop was granted patent No. 10607 for an invention, and the priority for the use of a "pneumatic hoop" for vehicles was confirmed by the following patent dated August 31 of the same year. The rubber chamber was attached to the lunch of a metal wheel with spokes, wrapping it together with the rim of a rubberized canvas that creates the carcass of the tire, in the intervals between the spokes. The advantages of the pneumatic tire were appreciated soon enough. As early as June 1889, William Hume raced a bicycle with pneumatic tires at the stadium in Belfast. And although Hume was described as an average rider, he won all three races in which he participated. The commercial development of the invention began with the formation of a small company in Dublin in late 1889 called the Pneumatic Tire and Booth Bicycle Agency. Today, Dunlop is one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world.

Восстанавливая свои позиции после вынужденного застоя времен Второй Мировой Войны, в 1950 году Nissan приобрел акции в компании Minsei Diesel Motor Co., Ltd и через два года подписал договор о техническом сотрудничестве с компанией Austin Motor Co., Ltd. (Великобритания), выпустив через год с конвейера первый Austin. В 1951 году Nissan праздновал рождение Patrol - первого полноприводного внедорожника с 6-ти цилиндровым двигателем.