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Eduard and André Michelin, the founders of the famous Michelin company, were the first to launch pneumatic tires into mass production. The same company in the middle of the twentieth century offers know-how, which becomes a giant step forward in the tire industry. The essence of the proposal was to use radial threads (from steel cord) in tires, which almost doubled the car's cross-country ability. The active use of steel fiber in the manufacture of tires began around the 70s of the twentieth century. DuPont invented a fiber made from polyamide called Kevlar. Its technical characteristics at that time were simply phenomenal, but due to the high cost of Kevlar, they stopped actively using it almost immediately.


In 1988, the Nissan Silvia Q won the "Grand Prix for Best Design" and the following year it won the "Japanese Car of 88-89" award. In the same year, the Cima sedan was released to the Japanese market. In April 1989, Nissan Europe NV was established in Holland, the regional head office responsible for operations in Europe, as well as Nissan Distribution Service (Europe) BV In the same year, a division of Nissan, the Infiniti Division of Nissan North America, was created in the United States, producing luxury cars that compete with Mercedes, BMW and Lexus. In November 1989, the famous Infiniti Q45 model appeared on the market. In 1990, Nissan North America, Inc. was established in the United States as a regional head office to oversee North American operations. That same year, the 300ZX won the 1990 Imported Car award in the US. In November 1990, Nissan acquired a stake in Siam Motors Co., Ltd., (Thailand). In the same year, the Nissan R390 GT1 sports car achieved fifth place in the Le Mans Rally, the highest of any Japanese manufacturer participating in this serious competition.

Предвосхищая наступление эры высокоскоростных автомобилей, модель Gloria была оснащена одним из самых мощных двигателей того времени. Автомобиль также обеспечивал великолепный комфорт при езде. В мая 1964 года во время ll Ралли Grand Prix в Японии два автомобиля Gloria Super-6 с самого начала гонки захватили лидерство и с огромным отрывом пришли к финишу первыми, завоевав чемпионский титул.