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Im November 1999 führte Nissan Extroid CVT für Cedric/Gloria-Limousinen ein, das weltweit erste CVT-System für Modelle mit Hinterradantrieb, die mit Motoren mit großem Hubraum ausgestattet sind, wodurch der Kraftstoffverbrauch im Vergleich zu Automatikgetrieben um 10 % gesenkt wurde. Cedric / Gloria-Autos erhielten die Auszeichnung "Bestes Auto 1999-2000". Das Extroid CVT-System erhielt den Technologiepreis 1999-2000. Im ersten Quartal 2000 brachte Nissan den Tino Hybrid und den zweisitzigen Hypermini auf den Markt. 1999 erhielten 7 große japanische Fabriken und eine für Produktplanung und Forschung zuständige Gruppe das ISO 14001-Zertifizierungsdokument für die Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Systeme.


One can't help but notice how serious Kiishiro was in the little things. It is thanks to him that we all know modern Toyota precisely as "Toyota". The letter "D" was replaced with a "T" because it takes eight risks to write the character "Toyota", and the number eight is considered lucky in Japanese culture. The next stage in the history of the brand: entering the global market Today, the emergence of Chinese auto companies on the world stage is in many ways reminiscent of Toyota's expansion into the American market. In the 50s of the twentieth century, Eiji Toyoda took the helm, who managed to introduce the most productive methods of managing and motivating ordinary workers. This method has borne some fruit. In 1951, the production of the first off-road vehicle, the Toyota BJ Jeep, began. In 1957, the solid Crown entered the American market. In addition, plants were opened in Brazil and Australia.

The history of Nissan begins with the opening of the Kwaishinsha Co. automobile plant, established in 1911 by the pioneer of the Japanese automobile industry, Mr. Masuhiro Hashimoto, in the Azabu-Hiroo district of Tokyo. In 1914, a small, box-like passenger car of his own design was released, which debuted on the market a year later under the name Dat Car. Its top speed was 32 km/h. The name Dat is an abbreviation of the first letters of the names of Mr. Hashimoto's three main patrons: Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama, and Meitaro Takeuchi. In addition, the name Dat in Japanese means "lively, agile."