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Автоматический ткатский станок Сакиши Тойоды Молодой автомобилестроитель заручается поддержкой совета директоров компании отца и в 1931 году приступает к исследованиям двигателей американского производства с целью создать идеальный мотор для японского общества. Кииширо, как и его отец признавал только практику - путем многочисленных поломок и неудач велись поиски оптимальных решений.


Thanks to this, for more than 20 years, Nissan has been the leader in terms of sales in Europe among Japanese car companies. Sales in 1997 exceeded 489,000 vehicles, up from 454,526 vehicles the previous year. More than 537,000 vehicles were sold in 1998, 9.7% more than in 1997. In 1999, more than 518,000 vehicles were sold. The European branches of Nissan, including the Nissan European Parts Center and the Nissan Distribution and Delivery Center, located in Amsterdam, employ 15,000 people. This does not include $4,300 Nissan staff in 31 countries.

Total production reached 50 million vehicles in January 1990. In 1991, a new distribution company, Nissan Motor (GB), Ltd, was established in the UK. In 1992, Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation, USA began production of the Altima (Bluebird), and Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. began producing the Nissan Micra (March), designed by renowned Japanese designer Mr. Tokuichiro Hosaka, which immediately won the European Car of 1993 award. March won the 1992-93 Japanese Car Award. and "New Car 1992-93." in Japan.