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In 1953, the Nissan Motors Workers Union, a new trade union organization, was created. This Union set as its goal the creation of modern relationships between workers and managers, based on the principle of mutual trust and respect. In 1958 Nissan Motor Co. began exporting passenger cars to the United States. In September of the same year, two Datsun 210s took part in the Australian Mobil Gas Trial Rally, one of the most difficult rallies in the world, and won the championship title in their class. Nissan was the first automobile manufacturer in Japan, in 1960 received the tenth "Prize of the Year" for excellence in industrial engineering. And throughout this period, Nissan has persistently built a strong organization as the foundation for rapid and successful growth in the future.

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Сегодня в мире трудно найти человека, который бы не слышал названия «Тойота». И это не удивительно. Прошло уже более ста лет с того момента, как глава семьи Тойода - Сакиши Тойода приступил к разработке своего первого станка для ткацкого дела. Этот момент стал переломным как для семьи, так и для всей Японии.

The Cedric is a mid-size car, the result of a huge effort by the company. It represented the embodiment of the latest Japanese technology of the time. At the time, Japan's largest mid-size car, the model featured a spacious interior and comfortable handling that was typical of large sedans. The sumptuous body of the Cedric was adorned with twin headlights, and with impressive performance, fuel consumption was as low as that of a small car. The Cedric was exceptionally durable and equipped with state of the art equipment. At the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, the Nissan Cedric was chosen as the vehicle that carried the Olympic Flame from Greece to Japan. In September 1963, the start of production of the second generation Skyline was announced, and in November 1963 the car appeared on the Japanese market. This model has gained fame as a small, comfortable family car, simple and reliable to drive and maintain.