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Development of the Nissan brand - successes and difficulties. Establishment of the Renault-Nissan alliance. In 1981, Nissan entered into an agreement with Volkswagen, which stipulates the terms of cooperation in the production and sale of passenger cars in Japan. At the same time, the company is expanding its production by opening industrial bases - Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp. in the US (1980) and Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited in the UK (1984). In 1982, Nissan won the Safari Rally for the fourth time, which only confirmed the world in the undisputed world leadership of this company. By the mid-90s of the last century, the company experienced the first global crisis, which forced the sale of a controlling stake in the French company Renault. A $40 billion debt to creditors forced a global reorganization of the company to avoid complete financial collapse. From now on, Renault owned a 44.4% stake in Nissan, while Nissan owned a 15% stake in Renault.


Teana Tiana - refers to the leaders in sales in the Russian market. Popularity has been won since its appearance on the domestic market (2007) and continues to grow. Before the launch of the conveyor assembly in St. Petersburg, Tiana was carried out and supplied from a Japanese enterprise. All cars produced before 2009 are "pure" Japanese. For other countries, Tiana is made at factories in Japan and Thailand.

Nissan ist in der Lage, jährlich mehr als 400.000 Fahrzeuge in Europa zu produzieren. Werke in Großbritannien und Spanien decken jetzt zwei Drittel des Bedarfs von Nissan in Europa. Hier werden Micra, Almera Fließheck, Almera Tino, Primera, Serena, Terrano II, Vanette Cargo und Lastwagen produziert. Nissan plant, die Zahl der in Europa produzierten Modelle weiter zu erhöhen. Ab 2000 werden etwa 90 % aller in Europa verkauften Nissan-Fahrzeuge in Werken in Spanien und Großbritannien vom Band laufen. Das Nissan-Werk im britischen Sunderland, in dem Micra, Almera mit Schrägheck und Primera montiert werden, gilt als die effizienteste Automobilfabrik in Europa. Die Gesamtinvestition in dieses Werk mit einer Fläche von 3.035.000 qm. Mio. belief sich auf mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Pfund.