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Sakishi Toyoda 1894 wurde in Sakishi ein Sohn namens Kiishiro geboren. Wenn er nur in diesem Moment wüsste, in welche Größenordnung sein Geschäft wachsen würde ... Bereits 1924 schuf er zusammen mit seinem Sohn Sakishi einen vollautomatischen Webstuhl, und ein paar Jahre später wurde der Grundstein für den Bau des zukünftigen Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Konzerns gelegt – Toyoda Automatic Loom Works war geboren. Diese kleine Firma, die automatische Webstühle herstellt, wird für immer als „Mutter“ des heutigen Toyota in die Geschichte eingehen.


The famous Nissan emblem is widely known all over the world in traditional red, blue and white colors, where the red circle symbolizes the rising sun and sincerity, the blue color is the sky, and the name Nissan is written in white. This emblem expresses the motto of Nissan - "Sincerity brings success." But time does not stand still. Nissan has developed a new emblem design that combines tradition and modern automotive technology.

Change in the course for the production of cars The money Sakishi received from the sale of the patent rights to his automatic looms was subsequently given to the young Kiishiro. The father bequeathed to his son not only to continue the business, but also to turn it into an enterprise for the creation of cars. Sakishi firmly believed that many years ago people would not be able to live without cars. Unfortunately, not many supported his idea. But this did not stop Kiishiro from using the proceeds from the sale of the patent to stock up on "foreign" cars, disassemble them for spare parts and study the automotive industry.