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Общая информация по автомобилям Nissan Перед покупкой нового автомобиля данного бренда, практически любой человек, задается справедливым вопросом: «Где производят Ниссан для России?» А действительно, покупка машины для нашего потребителя весьма значительный шаг, который требует тщательной подготовки и сбора всей информации. Прежде всего, следует знать, что заводов изготавливают технику Ниссан во всем мире всего 8, а в России находится 2 из них. Но обо всем по порядку.


The world's first rubber tire was made by the Englishman Robert William Thomson. Patent No. 10990, dated June 10, 1846, says: “The essence of my invention consists in the use of elastic bearing surfaces around the rims of the wheels of carriages in order to reduce the force necessary to pull carriages, thereby facilitating movement and reducing noise, which they create when they move.” Thomson's patent is written to a very high standard. It outlines the design of the invention, as well as the materials recommended for its manufacture. The tire is superimposed on a wheel with wooden spokes inserted into a wooden lunch, upholstered in a metal hoop. The tire itself consisted of two parts: the tube and the outer cover. The chamber was made of several layers of canvas impregnated and coated on both sides with natural rubber or gutta-percha in the form of a solution. The outer covering consisted of pieces of leather connected by rivets. Thomson equipped the crew with air wheels and conducted tests by measuring the crew's thrust. Tests have shown a reduction in traction force of 38% on crushed stone pavement and 68% on crushed pebble pavement. Noiselessness, ride comfort and easy running of the carriage on new wheels were especially noted. The test results were published in the Mechanics Magazine on March 27, 1849, along with a drawing of the carriage. It could be stated that a great invention had appeared: thought out to a constructive implementation, proven by tests, ready for improvement. Unfortunately, that's where it ended. There was no one who took up this idea and brought it to mass production at an acceptable cost. After Thomson's death in 1873

Die Fusion der beiden mächtigen Giganten Nissan und Renault auf dem Höhepunkt der Krise im Jahr 1999 diente als Impuls für das Wirtschaftswachstum, und die Ratings des Konzerns stiegen verdientermaßen stetig nach oben. Damit einher gingen neue Programme, die pünktlich und kompetent umgesetzt wurden. Sie gaben dem Unternehmen die Sorge, mit minimalen Verlusten die Krise zu überstehen. Das Programm (Nissan Production Way) ist der Kern des gesamten Produktionsprozesses. Als eine Art Regelwerk für die Mitarbeiter des Konzerns befiehlt sie, die Produktion jedes Autos zu perfektionieren. Dieses Programm integriert die Fähigkeiten von Materialien, Ausrüstung und Humanressourcen und präsentiert dem Verbraucher Produkte, die für ihn interessant sind.